Costume Design

Back : Matawai Hanatia Winiata, Pepi-Ria Moetara, Maramaria Ki-Tihirahi Moetara, Raiha Moetara.
Front : Awhina-Rose Henare Ashby, Olivia Violet Robinson-Falconer, Pehia King, Roimata Fox.
Witi's Wāhine by Nancy Brunning directed by Ngapaki & Teina Moetara. A very special piece, a collaboration between Hāpai Productions and Auckland Theatre Company. Nancy uplifts the Wāhine in Witi Ihimaera's wonderous stories.
I felt extremely privileged and honoured to be part of this amazing creative team. I designed and created 'Witi's Wāhine' range to compliment this wonderful piece of theatre. I drew my inspiration for this range from Rongopai & the messengers that transition through the different worlds in Te Ao Maori - especially ngā manu and whale forms. The colours were drawn from the original painted walls & Tukutuku panels of Rongopai Whare nui. I also incorporated eco-printing using precious Paru from Tūranga nui a kiwa to reference a deeper connection to whenua, place & whanau.
Theatre Review by Nga-Atawhainga Hineāmore 9/5/23
.." Costume designer Sandra Tupu uses an elemental palette that subtly illuminates the elements of the taiao and deepens our visual gaze of the connection between wāhine and whenua. Along with the grey of kōhatu and the earthy brown of Papatuanuku the wardrobe of Witi's Wāhine understands the assignment: we are Māori by nature and nature is Māori"...
Broadway world by Monica Moore 6/5/23
.."The set (Penny Fit), costumes (Sandra Tupu), lighting (William Smith), sound (Tyna Keelan) and video (Delainy Kennedy) are all beautiful as single entities but merged perfectly to honour the performers and create the beating heart of the stunning storytelling".... "I loved it.
Photos by Andi Crown @andicrownphotography

Working for The Conch Theatre, under the Internationally acclaimed and inspiring NZ Pacific director Nina Nawalowalo ONZM alongside Tom McCrory.
Flying Fox dressed the famous Pacific comedy crew The Naked Samoans in the Auckland International Festival of the Arts 2018.
The Naked Samoans took to the big stage performing magic.
It was an amazing experience contributing to and being part of our Pacific creative community.
Private commission to create a Grim Reaper costume for actor Karl Willetts.
Used in motion on an electronic skateboard provided a challenge.
Enhanced with a historical crinoline petticoat helped to preserve shape in motion.